Saturday, March 5, 2011

Yet another reason why my husband is the best!

This morning Brian (my husband) had to get up for a meeting with a couple of guys. He is working on learning how to make websites and other computer things. He wants to one day own his own business making websites and helping people with their computers. So he is out helping others learn at the same time. This will be good to help him learn even more about what he wants to do! :-)

Anyways he made me coffee before he left this morning. He didn't tell me when he came in to say goodbye. So I slept and just relaxed in bed for 2 more hours. Waking up here and there smelling coffee, and being jealous of which ever neighbor of mine who was having coffee. When I finally rolled out of bed, I walked down the hall and the smell of coffee got stronger. Once I enter the living-room there is a note laying on the corner of the couch telling me he had made coffee for me! It is really sweet in and of itself. But we also almost never brew coffee at home. When we brew its always me who does it. Who knew he had the powers to make AMAZING coffee! I suppose he must be making coffee at work and has perfected his art.

He does a lot of things that simply make him even more dear to my heart. He will do random things that are thoughtful, or really sweet. He will do things like clean the kitchen or vacuum or laundry. He's not perfect by any means, but he is continually making efforts to be better. Two weeks ago on his walk home from the bus, he stopped at the store and picked me up flowers. He knows that I like flowers other than roses, so he picked up some purple roses with white carnations mixed in. A beautiful mix of vibrant color! I of course immediately put the flowers into a beautiful vase that my sister-in-law gave me for Christmas! All of the little things that he does adds up to make him even more wonderful in my eyes. It also makes me feel cherished. We have been married for over 4 years now, and everyday I fall deeper in love with him. Never once have I regretted the decision we made. I am so thankful for him, and grateful to have found someone so special. He has a big heart, and he loves the Lord. There are many who are not a lucky as I am. It truly is a blessing to be loves so much. <3

I have now had two cups of coffee, and it is time for me to go on a long walk to get rid of the gitters. But, maybe I'll have another cup before I go.

1 comment:

  1. It's all about the little things, huh? He's a good guy, and you are a great catch =)
