Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Friendship is sometimes, something that is indescribable. There is an aspect that leave avenues open for anything to happen. There are amazing friendships where, even if you haven't seen each other in a long-time, you can pick up again like no time has passed at all. There are other friendships that as some would say "Were only meant for a short while".

There are at least two kinds of friendships that are rare to find. First, being the friendship I said just above, a friend that no matter where you have been, done, or gone... You can pick up again as if no time has passed at all. The second, which is almost just as rare, are friends who once they become your friend they stick close to your side for years and years.

Recently a close and dear mentor of mine went on a trip to California with some girlfriends of hers that she has known since she was little. She was gone for a week, and had a blast. We are still hearing stories of the fun trips they went on and the hours of talking and giggling they shared. What has amazed me from listening to these stories is how they lived through: bad relationships, divorces, children, bad times, good times, losses... Everything that life brought their way. It blows me away.

I have had lots of friends, and still consider myself to be someone who has many friends. Life has already taken me through lots of twists, turns, ups, downs, scares, and joys.... I have had many close friends, best friends, and the like. Life has seemed to weave these people through my life and they have been there for key parts, and many have faded to the background for now. Not gone, not forgotten, just not in the forefront at the moment.The stranger part is that I'm not old at all! The more time that continues to go by and all the friends that I have or had are adding up. The numbers can simply become outrageous!

A year ago, today, my best friend moved up to Oregon from California. She had been down there for many years, and found herself in need to leave. She moved up here because this is where she felt that the Lord needed her to be. She is the daughter of my mentors, whom I consider family. I had not met her until a year ago, and when she came she found me to be in the worst state that I had been in ever. I was going through a rough time in my life, and there she was, she jumped right in and helped me in whatever way I needed. The first time I met her, Dadu brought her over to help us move out of our apartment and into a new one. So she and I met, and from the second she has been here helping me. It has been amazing being able to share life with her. The love that she has shown me has blown my socks off. I, in and of myself, of course, wish I could claim being the sole reason why she felt God wanted her to come up here, but I know for a fact that there is so much more of the horizon for her. She is a beautiful woman, with an enormous heart... It has been amazing to get the opportunity to see her adjust to Oregon and discover all the fun things that are here. And we are still exploring. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Okay... you made me cry... again.
    Love you tons!
