Friday, February 25, 2011

The mornings that came to early.

A couple of weeks ago the oddest thing happened. I crawled into bed at 10pm ready to get a good nights sleep and be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for work in the morning. I had a dream that I was late for work and my alarm didn't go off... I wake up instantly (I don't even know that the first part was even a dream), and start running around the house. Checking all of the clocks and declaring them ALL wrong. And sadly enough...yes even the clock on my cell phone was declared to be wrong! Oh-so-wrong! I shake Brian and tell him its time to wake up. I was in the bathroom frantically washing my face and brushing my teeth.

My wonderfully groggy, grouchy in the morning, husby stumbles into the bathroom and says, "...what are you doing? ...its only 3am...we dont even have to start thinking about being awake for an hour..."
Me: No! The clocks are wrong we are going to be late.
Him: No, the clocks are right. Your coming back to bed.
He then takes me by the hand and pulls me back into bed. Resets the alarm and goes to sleep. For the next hour I laid there intently listening for my phone, because indeed I was going to be late, and it was going to be all Brian's fault. They never called... He happily slept for the next hour, and I stared at the ceiling.

So I thought this was going to be a one time freak experience. Until...

This morning...I wake up in a cold sweat look at the clock clearly its time to get ready for I get up, turn on all the lights in the house...check the clocks (yes I did)...and went to the bathroom. I was sitting there, sleepily and thinking about what I needed to do. My clean pants and apron are in the dryer...I need to fix my hair cuz I went to bed with it wet (someone call the president because my hair is going to be the next natural disaster)....

Then the thought hit me... wait....what time is it....? I walk back into the living-room and stare at the big clock...wait...does it really say....midnight!?  Dangit....

So I crawl back into bed, reset the alarm clock and fitfully sleep the rest of the night.

Two bright sides:
1. Brian didn't wake up this time. A little less embarrassing...
2. At least I didn't run around getting ready this time...


  1. Lol I totally do this sometimes! Your not alone! hey girly, follow my blogs too!

  2. I had subscribed to your house blog...and now to your sewing projects! They are sooo cute! You have become a very good seamstress! :-)

  3. Maybe you need to get a new job... One that doesn't require you to get up BEFORE the crack of dawn... Got one in mind... ;)
