Monday, March 5, 2012

Oh my Gluten....

First off, I'd like to say shame on Nana's. No not anyone's grandma in particular. Its a cookie company that put a big fat no wheat sign on the front of their delicious looking chocolate chip cookie. I purchased the luscious island of oasis to satisfy my soft chocolate chip cookie craving in hopes of soothing away my troubles. Only to take a small bite, decide it is super yummy and then start reading more thoroughly the ingredients. Sure there was no wheat flour, but wheat/gluten hides under different names...malted barley...just so happens to be a wheat product!!!! :-( Devastated I brought the expensive cookie home to feed to my husband. He is now about to be off to the store to purchase me some chocolate chips so I can bake my first batch of gluten-free cookies. I hope they don't disappoint too.

Yesterday I had been extra careful about not eating gluten products until it came down to making dinner. As I was cooking my stir-fry and pouring some oyster sauce into it, I glanced at the side of the bottle. It contains wheat. Say what?? Last place I would have expected it. So I read a little bit closer, yep contains 7.3% Wheat flour. So I thought to myself, its only a little bit... So I made my stir-fry went to bed and woke up feeling like a semi-truck slammed into me, one on each side. I told myself to just move it along, cuz work won't stop for me to have a belly ache.

I decided to eat some breakfast of granola and vanilla yogurt, that should help right?.... Headed off to work. As my day continued on my tummy started to feel worse and worse. Only to discover the granola also has malted barley extract but doesn't list wheat on the label. FML or stomach at least.

So I'm now home laying on my couch after a day of feeling yucky only to be disappointed by that redonkulous chocolate chip cookie, and feeling like my belly is bloated up like a Macy's Day Parade balloon. *sigh* No seriously, I'm certain Snoopy's nose is going to pop right out of my belly button. Either that or someone tomorrow is going to ask when the babies are due. Yikes.

Well tomorrow is a new day, and in a few days my tummy will feel better. I've just got to stop poisoning myself. :-/ Happy eating everyone! LOL

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